
Restitution is an order by a sentencing judge for the defendant to pay bills incurred by the victim as a result of the crime. Bills submitted for payment must be substantiated by receipts or other documentation. The defendant pays the restitution directly to his or her probation officer while on probation. The probation officer, in turn, sends a check(s) to the victim. The judge may also order the defendant to pay restitution to the Georgia Victim Compensation Program if advance payments were made to the victim through the State Program. 

You may fill out a Restitution Form to request that restitution be made part of any sentencing recommendations. You must enclose copies of bills, receipts, estimates, employer statement verifying missed days from work and any other documents that will assist the court. 



The Crime Victim Compensation Fund reimburses victims for some expenses. This state-wide program helps victims and their families by easing the monetary impact of crime. The program provides financial benefits for expenses such as medical bills, loss of earnings, funeral expenses and mental health counseling. The crime must be reported within 72 hours and applications must be filed with the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council (CJCC) within one year. To find out if you are eligible, contact your Victim Advocate.


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